1. Zhang, S., Guo, H., Zhang, S., Li,S., 2019. Are oil spills an important source of heavy metal contamination in the Bohai Sea, China? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI:10.1007/s11356-019-06913-1 (Q1)
2. Zhang, S., Wu, T., Zhang, S., Cao, C., Ma, W., Shi, J.a., Sun, G., 2015. Organofacies and paleoenvironment of lower Carboniferous mudstones (Dishuiquan Formation) in Eastern Junggar, NW China. International Journal of Coal Geology 150–151, 7-18. (Q1, 中科院一区,TOP)
3. Zhang, S., Shao, M., Wang, T., Pei, Y., Chen, B., 2023. Geochemistry of lacustrine carbonate rocks in southwestern Qaidam: Implications of silicate weathering and carbon burial triggered by the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Coal Geology 265, 104167. (Q1, 中科院一区,TOP)
4. Zhang, S., Li, S., Dong, H., Zhao, Q., Lu, X., Shi, J.a., 2014. An analysis of organic matter sources for surface sediments in the central South Yellow Sea, China: Evidence based on macroelements and n-alkanes. Marine Pollution Bulletin 88, 389-397. (Q1)
5. Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Chen, Y. et al. Distribution characteristics, source identification, and risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of the salt lakes in the Ordos Plateau, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022). (Q2)
6. Li, S., Zhang, S.*, Dong, H., Zhao, Q., Cao, C., 2015. Presence of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in near-surface sediments of an oil spill area in Bohai Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 100, 169-175.(Q1, 通讯作者)
7. Guo, H., S. Zhang, S*. Zhang, X. Lu and S. Li (2017). "Distribution and controls of heavy metals and organic matter in the surface sediments of the Southern Yellow Sea, China." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(29): 23069-23079.(Q2, 通讯作者)
8. Pei, Y., Zhang, S.., Chen, Y.-x., Shao, M., Li, L.-w., Fang, X., 2022. Climatic and environmental changes in the Baidunzi wetland, Northwest China, over the last 800 years inferred from glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers. Chemical Geology 607, 121005. (Q1, 中科院二区,TOP)
9. Shao, M., Zhang, S., Niu, B., Pei, Y., Song, S., Lei, T., Yun, H., 2022. Soil texture influences soil bacterial biomass in the permafrost-affected alpine desert of the Tibetan plateau. Frontiers in Microbiology 13. (Q1, 中科院二区,TOP)
10. Shao, M., Zhang, S., Pei, Y., Song, S., Lei, T., Yun, H., 2023. Soil texture and microorganisms dominantly determine the subsoil carbonate content in the permafrost-affected area of the Tibetan Plateau. Front Microbiol 14, 1125832. (Q1, 中科院二区,TOP)
11. He J, Zhang S, Zhang X, et al. Composition and Distribution Characteristics and Geochemical Significance of n-Alkanes in Core Sediments in the Northern Part of the South Yellow Sea[J]. Journal of Chemistry,2016,(2016-11-13), 2016, 2016(3):1-9.
12. Yin, J., S. Zhang, X. Lu, Z. Wu, H. guo and Y. Ju (2019). "Controls of the Altyn Tagh Fault on the Early–Middle Miocene sedimentation in the Honggouzi Area, Qaidam Basin, Western China." Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 181: 103908
13. 张生银, 鲁新川, 柳双权, 等, 2015.准噶尔盆地陆东地区巴塔玛依内山组火山喷发时空序列及其石油地质意义[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),46(1):199-207.(EI)
14. 张生银, 任本兵, 姜懿洋, 等. 准噶尔盆地东部石炭系天然气地球化学特征和成因[J]. 天然气地球科学, 2015, 26(S2): 148-157. (CSCD)
15. 张生银, 李双林, 董贺平, 等, 2013. 南黄海中部沉积物多环芳烃分布特征及来源分析[J]. 中国环境科学, 07:1263-1270.(EI)
16. 张生银, 柳双权,张顺存, 等, 2013. 准噶尔盆地陆东地区火山岩风化体储层特征及控制因素[J]. 天然气地球科学,24(6):1140-1150.(EI)
17. 张生银, 李双林, 董贺平, 等, 2012. 南黄海北部表层沉积物中生物标志物的组成特征及其地球化学意义[J]. 海洋通报, 31(2):197-205.(CSCD)
18. 张生银, 李双林, 董贺平, 等, 2013. 南黄海中部表层沉积物有机质分布与分子组成研究[J]. 沉积学报, 03:497-508.(CSCD)
19. 王昊,张生银,张顺存,黄翠华,廖杰. 2023,干旱-半干旱区不同地质背景区典型灌区土壤盐分特征及成因对比分析[J]. 地球与环境(已接收)
20. 张顺存,史基安,杜社宽,张生银, 等,准噶尔盆地陆东地区石炭系火山岩气藏成藏条[M]. 科学出版社, 2018.1 ISBN 978-7-03-055415.
21. 张生银, 廖杰, 谭昊. 一种沙漠羊肚菌栽培装置[P]. 甘肃:220223005423
22. 曹春辉,张生银,李双林,李立武,李中平,杜丽,贺坚. 稀有气体提取并纯化的装置[P]. 甘肃:CN203758808U,2014-08-06.(发明专利)
23. 曹春辉,张生银,李双林,李立武,李中平,杜丽,贺坚,何大祥. 原油中稀有气体同位素的测定方法及装置[P]. 甘肃:CN103604860A,2014-02-26. (实用新型专利)