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姓名 邢蓝田 性别:
职称 学位 博士
电话 0931-4960839 传真:
Email: lantxing@163.com 邮编:
 邢蓝田,1985年10月出生,工程师,2020年毕业于兰州大学取得博士学位。目前在中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院主要从事同位素地球化学研究及稳定同位素分析技术研发工作。已在国内外期刊发表各类文章20余篇,其中SCI收录12篇,授权发明专利3项。联系方式: 0931-4960839;E-mail:lantxing@163.com









邢蓝田*; 李中平; 张平中; 吴陈君; 王凯文; 闫灿灿; 不同采样装置及储存时间对非烃气体碳、氢、氧同位素的影响[J].天然气地球科学, 2020, 31(4):483-487.

Li Xu, Lantian Xing*. (2020) Characterization of the import of Botryococcus to the source rocks of the upper member of the Lower Ganchaigou Formation in the Yingxi area, Qaidam basin, China. IOP Conf. Series:Earth and Environmental Science 600.

Yi Duan, Yingzhong Wu, Lantian Xing, Zhongping Li, Ting Zhang. (2020) Experimental simulation study on the influence of diagenetic water medium on sedimentary n-alkanes and their respective hydrogen isotopes. Fuel, Vol. 272, 1-8.


Yajun Shi, Li Xu, Lantian Xing*, Jiangong Wang. (2019) Geochemical characteristics of crude oil in the continental saline lake basin: a case study of the Upper Part of the Lower Ganchaigou Formation in Yingxi, Qaidam Basin, China. Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol.35 (23), 2216-2220.


Zhongping Li, Liwu Li, Lantian Xing, et al. 2018. Development of new method for D/H ratio measurements for volatile hydrocarbons of crude oils using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) coupled to gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 232-241.

徐丽, 邢蓝田*, 王鑫, 李中平, 毛俊丽. 元素分析仪-同位素比值质谱测量碳氮同位素比值最佳反应温度和进样量的确定[J].岩矿测试, 2018.37(1):15-20.

Wu Yingzhong, Duan Yi, Zhao Yang, Cao Xixi, Ma Lanhua, Qian Yanrong, Li Zhongping, Xing lantian. (2018) Comparative Study of Hydrogen and Carbon Isotopic Composition of Gases Generated from the Pyrolysis of a Peat under Saltwater and Freshwater Conditions.ACTA GEOLOGICA, 92(5):1879-1887.


Lantian Xing, Li Xu, Yanhong Liu, Zhongping Li. (2017) Evaluation of different pretreatment methods before individual carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis of crude oil. Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol.35 (10), 1032-1039.

Jiangong Wang, Li Xu, Lantian Xing*, Yajun Shi. (2017) The fragmentation behavior and variation of the pristane-phytane ratios of pure phytol in conditions of clay catalysis. Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol.35 (23), 2216-2220.

Chenjun Wu, Jincai Tuo, Mingfeng Zhang, Yan liu, Lantian Xing, Juncheng Gong, Junli Qiu. (2017) Multiple controlling factors of lower Palaeozoic organic-rich marine hales in the Sichuan Basin, China: Evidence from minerals and trace elements. Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 35(5):627-644.


Xibin Wang, Zhongping Li, Lantian Xing, Minjie Zhang, Yan Li, Chunhui Cao, Liwu Li. (2016) Development of a new method for hydrogen isotope analysis of trace hydrocarbons in natural gas samples.Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience, 481-487.

Baoxia Du, Bainian Sun, Mingzhen Zhang, Guolin Yang, Lantian Xing, Fenjun Tang, Yanxia Bai. (2016) Atmospheric palaeo-CO 2 estimates based on the carbon isotope and stomatal data of Cheirolepidiaceae from the Lower Cretaceous of the Jiuquan Basin, Gansu Province. Cretaceous Research, 62(2016),142-153.


杨燕, 雷天柱, 邢蓝田, 蔡进功, 吴应琴, 斯贵才. 不同类型有机黏土中化学结合态有机质生油能力差异性研究[J]. 石油实验地质, 2015, 37(4): 487-493.

邢蓝田, 徐丽, 段毅, 刘晔. 鄂尔多斯盆地林镇地区延安组延8油层组储层特征及孔隙演化[J].新疆地质,2014,32(4):509-513.

邢蓝田, 夏燕青, 雷天柱, 徐丽. 不同介质条件下油页岩热解的初步研究[J].石油炼制与化工, 2012.43(10):45-48.

邢蓝田, 张晓宝, 张瑞, 徐丽, 李伟. 柴北缘侏罗系烃源岩生烃动力学及其应用—以赛什腾凹陷为例[J].天然气地球科学,2012.23(1):161-166.

徐丽, 王轶平, 段毅, 邢蓝田, 吴保祥. 鄂尔多斯盆地南梁地区长4+5油层组储层特征[J].岩性油气藏,2012.24(4):34-39.


(1)邢蓝田, 李中平, 徐丽, 王凯文, 闫灿灿. 一种可分离混合气体中氢气与甲烷并测定氢同位素的装置和方法. 发明专利,2018.12,CN 201811533147.1

(2)李立武,曹春辉,贺坚,邢蓝田,李中平,杜丽. 岩石脱气高灵敏气相色谱与质谱联合分析系统及使用方法. 发明专利,2016.04,CN201410746067.X;

(3)李中平, 李立武, 邢蓝田等.一种天然气中系列烃类化合物碳同位素分析方法. 发明专利,2016.08, ZL201410057169.0
