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姓名 曹春辉 性别:
职称 学位 硕士
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  2015-至今 6次被评为“优秀职工”或“所级中心优秀职工”






Cao Chunhui, Li liwu, Liu Yuhu, Du Li, Li Zhongping, He Jian, Factors afecting Shale Gas Chemistry and Stable Isotope and Noble Gas Isotope Composition and Distribution A Case Study of Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale Gas, Sichuan Basin. Energies, 2020, 13(22):5891.

Cao Chunhui, Li liwu, Du Li, Wang Yuhui, He Jian, The use of noble gas isotopes in detecting methane contamination of groundwater in shale gas development area an overview of technology and methods. Analytical Sciences, 2020, 36:521-530.

Cao Chunhui, Zhang Mingjie, Li Liwu, Wang Yuhui, Li Zhongping, Du Li, Holland Grag, Zhou Zheng, Tracing the sources and evolution processes of shale gas by coupling stable (C, H) and noble gas isotopic compositions Cases from Weiyuan and Changning in Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020,  78:103304.

Li Liwu, LiuYan, Cao Chunhui, Li Zhongping, Xing Lantian, Zhang Mingjie, Wang Xianbin, Analysis of Chemical Composition of Gases from Rock Samples by Pulsed Discharge Chromatography Combined Mass Spectrometry. Geochemistry International, 2020, 58(8):968-979.

刘玉虎, 曹春辉, 李瑞磊等. 边界断裂时空差异演化对断陷盆地的控制作用—以松辽盆地南部伏龙泉断陷为例. 地球科学进展,2020,35(1):79-87.


高子涵, 李立武, 王玉慧, 曹春辉, 贺坚. 双真空炉管的研制及其在岩石加热脱气气体组分测试中的应用. 岩矿测试, 2019, 38(5):469-478.


Cao Chunhui, Zhang Mingjie, Tang Qingyan, Yang Yang, Lv Zonggang, Zhang Tongwei, Chen Chang, Yang Hui, Li Liwu, Noble gas isotopic variations and geological implication of Longmaxi shale gas in Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018, 89:38-46.

Cao Chunhui, Li Zhongping, Li Liwu, Du Li, He Jian, Method for analyzing the molecular and carbon isotope composition of volatile hydrocarbons (C1–C9) in natural gas. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2018, 4512081, 1-9.


 Cao Chunhui, Du Li, Li Liwu, He Jian, Li Zhongping, Gas geochemistry characteristic of shale gas in Longmaxi Formation, SE Sichuan Basin,  China. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 52:1-6.

 Zhang Mingjie, Tang Qingyan, Cao Chunhui, Lv Zonggang, Zhang Tongwei, Zhang Dekuan, Li Zhongping, Du Li, Molecular and carbon  isotopic variation in 3.5 years shale gas production from Longmaxi Formation in Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 89: 27-37.


Cao Chunhui, Lv Zonggang, Li Liwu, Du Li, Geochemical characteristics and implications of shale gas from the Longmaxi Formation, Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience, 2016, 1:131-138.


Cao Chunhui, Tang Qingyan, Zhang Mingjie, Lv Zonggang, Carbon Isotope Reversals of Changning-Weiyuan Region Shale Gas, Sichuan Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition, 2015, 89:375-377.

Tang Qingyan, Zhang Mingjie, Cao Chunhui, Song Zhe, Li Zhongping, Hu Xiao, The molecular and carbon isotopic constrains on origin and storage of Longmaxi Formation shale gas in Changning area, Sichuan Basin, China. Interpretation, 2015,3:35-47.

Zhang Shengyin, Wu Tao, Zhang Shuncun, Cao Chunhui, Ma Wanyun, Shi Ji'an, Sun Guoqiang, Organofacies and paleoenvironment of lower Carboniferous mudstones (Dishuiquan Formation) in Eastern Junggar, NW China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2015, 150-151:7-18.

Li Shuanglin, Zhang Shengyin, Dong Heping, Zhao Qingfang, Cao Chunhui, Presence of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in near-surface sediments of an oil spill area in Bohai Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 100:169-175.

曹春辉, 张铭杰, 汤庆艳, 吕宗刚, 汪扬, 杜丽等.四川盆地志留系龙马溪组页岩气气体地球化学特征及意义. 天然气地球科学, 2015, 26:1604-1612.


    Li Zhongping, Li Liwu, Tao Mingxin, Cao Chunhui, Du Li, Wang Guang, Xu Yi, Development of  Combustion Reactor Furnace Applied to  Compound Specific of Carbon Isotope Ratio Analysis. Chiese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 40:1439 - 1444.

曹春辉, 李中平, 杜丽, 李立武.原油溶解气中稀有气体同位素分析. 分析仪器, 2014, 12-16

曹春辉, 李立武, 李中平, 杜丽. 气体同位素质谱与色谱结合分析天然气组成. 化学分析计量, 2011, 20:36-39.

曹春辉, 李中平, 杜丽, 李立武. 气体同位素质谱仪MTA271分析天然气组分的方法研究. 现代科学仪器, 2011, 103-106.

李立武, 曹春辉, 李中平, 杜丽. MAT271质谱计测控程序研制. 现代科学仪器 2010, 97-98.

李立武, 王广, 李中平, 杜丽, 曹春辉. 稳定同位素质谱与同位素光谱结合的方法分析氧同位素17O/16O. 岩矿测试 2013, 32:392-397.

李中平, 李立武, 陶明信, 杜丽, 曹春辉, 王广等. 特定化合物碳同位素分析系统中的氧化反应装置的研制. 分析化学 2012, 40:1439-1444.
