mat253 气体同位素质谱

更新时间:2022-09-17   来源:


 1. 实验室简介:稳定同位素实验室拥有国际先进的仪器设备是国内最早开展稳定同位素分析的实验室之一。自上个世纪80年代以来,实验室先后引进了MAT 251MAT 271、 MAT 252Delta Plus XPMAT 253Isoprime 100Delta V等国际先进的气体同位素质谱计。通过与气相色谱仪(GC)、元素分析仪(EA)等辅助设备的联用,可全面实现石油、天然气、岩矿、流体包裹体、现代沉积物、植物、水体等各种样品的碳、氢、氧 氮等稳定同位素组成分析。目前同位素实验室实验条件已经达国内外先进水平。多年以来,稳定同位素实验室为依托单位及相关领域的大批国家级项目提供了一流的技术支撑,有力地保障了这些项目的顺利进行并发表了一大批高质量的学术论文。

        2.1  MAT 253 气体稳定同位素质谱计                                 


    MAT 253 稳定同位素质谱计

      该仪器由美国赛默飞科技公司制造(产地:Bremen, Germany),2012年引进入本实验室。系统配有气相色谱、元素分析仪及气体浓缩装置(Precon)等外部设备。该仪器可以提供天然气、原油、烃源岩中单分子化合物的碳、氢同位素组成分析及固体全样品碳、氮等同位素分析。

        2.2 Delta  v 气体稳定同位素质谱计


   DELTA V 气体同位素质谱计(2019年引入)


 DELTA V 气体同位素质谱计(2015年引入)

 2.3  Delta Plus XP 稳定同位素质谱计


 Delta Plus XP 稳定同位素质谱计(2003年引入)

    2.5  IsoPrime 100 连续流稳定同位素质谱计


 Isoprime 100 稳定同位素质谱计


   2.6  MAT 271高分辨气体成分质谱


MAT 271 气体成分质谱计(1992年引入)



2.7 气相色谱仪
实验室拥有各类气相色谱仪多台(型号:Ultra GCGC1000Agilent 6890GC9160等),配有TCDFIDPPD等检测器,可实现天然气样品各类化合物的分析检测。

2.8 实验室其它仪器展示


 Finnigan MAT 252(1992年引入)


 Finnigan MAT 251(1983年引入)





邢蓝田:在职博士,工程师,地球化学专业。目前负责Delta Plus XP、MAT 253、 IsoPrime 100等仪器的维护、维修及单分子化合物同位素分析测试、方法开发及质量管理工作。办公室: 201室; 电话:4960905;

刘 艳:博士,工程师,地球化学专业。目前负责MAT 252、MAT 253、IsoPrime100等仪器的日常维护、维修及全样品有机碳/氮,碳酸盐碳/氧同位素分析、方法开发及质量管理工作。办公室:209; 电话:4960829;

杨辉:工程师,目前负责MAT 252、MAT 253等仪器日常维护维修及全样品有机碳同位素、碳酸盐的碳/氧同位素分析测试及质量管理工作。

杜 丽:硕士,高级工程师,地球化学专业。目前负责MAT 271气体质谱及气相色谱的日常维护及样品分析测试及质量管理工作。 办公室: 201室; 联系方式:4960879;






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Li, Liwu, Yan Liu, Chunhui Cao, Zhongping Li, Lantian Xing, Mingjie Zhang, and Xianbin Wang. "Analysis of Chemical Composition of Gases from Rock Samples by Pulsed Discharge Chromatography Combined Mass Spectrometry." Geochemistry International 58, no. 8 (2020): 968-979.


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Chunhui Cao, Mingjie Zhang,Liwu Li, Yuhui Wang, Zhongping L, Li Du,Greg Holland, Zheng Zhou  Tracing the sources and evolution processes of shale gas by coupling stable (C, H) and noble gas isotopic compositions: Cases from Weiyuan and Changning in Sichuan Basin, China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020,78,303-314


Chunhui Cao, Zhongping Li, Liwu Li and Li Du, New Application of Solid-phase Microextraction (SPME) in Analyzing Volatile Hydrocarbons (C1–C9) in Natural Gas, Current Research and Development in Chemistry,2020,1,29-43.


Li, Liwu, Yan Liu, Chunhui Cao, Zhongping Li, Lantian Xing, Mingjie Zhang, and Xianbin Wang. "Analysis of Chemical Composition of Gases from Rock Samples by Pulsed Discharge Chromatography Combined Mass Spectrometry." Geochemistry International 58, (2020): 968-979.

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Chen, Yilin, Yong Qin, Zhongping Li, Qingmin Shi, Chongtao Wei, Caifang Wu, Chunhui Cao, and Zhenghui Qu. "Differences in desorption rate and composition of desorbed gases between undeformed and mylonitic coals in the Zhina Coalfield, Southwest China." Fuel (2019): 905-916.


Duan, Y., Wu, Y., Yao, J., He, J., Zhang, X., Xu, L., & Ma, L. (2019). Hydrogen isotopic composition of n-alkanes in sediments from freshwater Fuxian Lake in subtropical, China: Implications for the ecological environment. Geochemical Journal, 53(3), 181-193.


Zhang, Mingjie, Pengyu Feng, Tong Li, Liwu Li, Juerong Fu, Peng Wang, Yuekun Wang, Zhongping Li,. "The Petrogenesis of the Permian Podong Ultramafic Intrusion in the Tarim Craton, Western China: Constraints from C-He-Ne-Ar Isotopes." Geofluids 2019 (2019).


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Li, Zhongping, Liwu Li, Lantian Xing, Yan Liu, Mingjie Zhang, Xibin Wang, Chunhui Cao, and Zuodong Wang. "Development of new method for D/H ratio measurements for volatile hydrocarbons of crude oils using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) coupled to gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS)." Marine and Petroleum Geology 89 (2018): 232-241.


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Zhang, Mingjie, Qingyan Tang, Chunhui Cao, Zonggang Lv, Tongwei Zhang, Dekuan Zhang, Zhongping Li, and Li Du. "Molecular and carbon isotopic variation in 3.5 years shale gas production from Longmaxi Formation in Sichuan Basin, China." Marine and Petroleum Geology 89 (2018): 27-37.


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MingJie, Zhang, Yu Min
