1.Li Liwu,LiuYan,Cao Chunhui,Li Zhongping,Xing Lantian,Zhang Mingjie,Wang Xianbin,Analysis of Chemical Composition of Gases from Rock Samples by Pulsed Discharge Chromatography Combined Mass Spectrometry.Geochemistry International,2020,58(8):968-979
2.Li Liwu,Cao Chunhui,Li Zhongping,Xing Lantian,Zhang Mingjie,Wang Xianbin,Gas chromatography combined mass spectrometry for the chemical composition of gases from rock samples,Book of Abstracts,The 14th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry,Wroclaw,2017:169-170
3.Liwu Li,Yan liu,Chunhui Cao,Jian He,Lantian Xing,The gas chemical and rare gas isotope compositions of two volcanic rock samples from Wudalianchi,China,Sixth International Maar Conference,2016:57-58
4.Liwu Li,Lianjie Guo,Yanqing Xia,Jincai Tuo,A high vacuum automatic inlet system for microliter gas mass spectrometry,The 13th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry,2015:149-150
5.Li Liwu,The Uncertainty of Measurement on Gas Composition Analysis by MAT271 Mass Spectrometer,Abstract Proceeding of International Symposium on Metrilogy in Chemistry,2004:71-72.
6.Li Liwu,LiuYan,Cao Chunhui,Li Zhongping,Xing Lantian,Zhang Mingjie,Wang Xianbin,Analysis of Chemical Composition of Gases from Rock Samples by Pulsed Discharge Chromatography Combined Mass Spectrometry.Geochemistry International,2020,58(8):968-979.
7.Cao Chunhui,Li liwu,Liu Yuhu,Du Li,Li Zhongping,He Jian,Factors afecting Shale Gas Chemistry and Stable Isotope and Noble Gas Isotope Composition and Distribution A Case Study of Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale Gas,Sichuan Basin.Energies,2020,13(22):5891.
8.Cao Chunhui,Li liwu,Du Li,Wang Yuhui,He Jian,The use of noble gas isotopes in detecting methane contamination of groundwater in shale gas development area an overview of technology and methods.Analytical Sciences,2020,36:521-530.
9.Cao Chunhui,Zhang Mingjie,Li Liwu,Wang Yuhui,Li Zhongping,Du Li,Holland Grag,Zhou Zheng,Tracing the sources and evolution processes of shale gas by coupling stable(C,H)and noble gas isotopic compositions Cases from Weiyuan and Changning in Sichuan Basin,China.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2020,78:103304.
10.Cao Chunhui,Zhang Mingjie,Tang Qingyan,Yang Yang,Lv Zonggang,Zhang Tongwei,Chen Chang,Yang Hui,Li Liwu,Noble gas isotopic variations and geological implication of Longmaxi shale gas in Sichuan Basin,China.Marine and Petroleum Geology,2018,89:38-46.
11.Cao Chunhui,Li Zhongping,Li Liwu,Du Li,He Jian,Method for analyzing the molecular and carbon isotope composition of volatile hydrocarbons(C1–C9)in natural gas.Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry,2018,4512081,1-9.
12.Cao Chunhui,Du Li,Li Liwu,He Jian,Li Zhongping,Gas geochemistry characteristic of shale gas in Longmaxi Formation,SE Sichuan Basin,China.IOP Conf.Series:Earth and Environmental Science,2017,52:1-6.
13.Cao Chunhui,Lv Zonggang,Li Liwu,Du Li,Geochemical characteristics and implications of shale gas from the Longmaxi Formation,Sichuan Basin,China.Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience,2016,1:131-138.
14.Cao Chunhui,Tang Qingyan,Zhang Mingjie,Lv Zonggang,Carbon Isotope Reversals of Changning-Weiyuan Region Shale Gas,Sichuan Basin.Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition,2015,89:375-377.
15.Zhang Maoliang,Guo Zhengfu,Xu Sheng,Peter H.Barry,Yuji Sano,Zhang Lihong,S?mundur A.Halldórsson,Chen Ai-Ti,Cheng Zhihui,Liu Cong-Qiang,Li Si-Liang,Lang Yun-Chao,Zheng Guodong,Li Zhongping,Li Liwu&Ying Li,Linking deeply-sourced volatile emissions to plateau growth dynamics in southeastern Tibetan Plateau,Nature Communications,2021,12:1457.
电话:4960836 E-mail:llwu lzb.ac.cn
2.Li Liwu,LiuYan,Cao Chunhui,Li Zhongping,Xing Lantian,Zhang Mingjie,Wang Xianbin,Analysis of Chemical Composition of Gases from Rock Samples by Pulsed Discharge Chromatography Combined Mass Spectrometry.Geochemistry International,2020,58(8):968-979
3.Li Liwu,Cao Chunhui,Li Zhongping,Xing Lantian,Zhang Mingjie,Wang Xianbin,Gas chromatography combined mass spectrometry for the chemical composition of gases from rock samples,Book of Abstracts,The 14th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry,Wroclaw,2017:169-170
4.Liwu Li,Yan liu,Chunhui Cao,Jian He,Lantian Xing,The gas chemical and rare gas isotope compositions of two volcanic rock samples from Wudalianchi,China,Sixth International Maar Conference,2016:57-58
5.Liwu Li,Lianjie Guo,Yanqing Xia,Jincai Tuo,A high vacuum automatic inlet system for microliter gas mass spectrometry,The 13th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry,2015:149-150

曹春辉 高级工程师/博士(硕士生导师)
通讯地址:甘肃省兰州市城关区东港西路382号 电 话:4960995
E-mail: caochunhui@lzb.ac.cn
2008.09-2011.07 中国科学院研究生院,硕士学位
2013.09-2017.12 兰州大学,博士学位
2012.01-2013.12 中科院兰州油气资源研究中心,助理工程师
2014.11-2014.12 The University of Tokyo,访问学者
2018.06-2019.06 Lancaster University,访问学者
2014.01-2021.03 中科院西北生态环境资源研究院,工程师
2021.04- 至 今 中科院西北生态环境资源研究院,高级工程师
1. Cao Chunhui, Li liwu, Liu Yuhu, Du Li, Li Zhongping, He Jian, Factors afecting Shale Gas Chemistry and Stable Isotope and Noble Gas Isotope Composition and Distribution A Case Study of Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale Gas, Sichuan Basin. Energies, 2020, 13(22):5891.
2. Cao Chunhui, Li liwu, Du Li, Wang Yuhui, He Jian, The use of noble gas isotopes in detecting methane contamination of groundwater in shale gas development area an overview of technology and methods. Analytical Sciences, 2020, 36:521-530.
3. Cao Chunhui, Zhang Mingjie, Li Liwu, Wang Yuhui, Li Zhongping, Du Li, Holland Grag, Zhou Zheng, Tracing the sources and evolution processes of shale gas by coupling stable (C, H) and noble gas isotopic compositions Cases from Weiyuan and Changning in Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 78:103304.
4. Cao Chunhui, Zhang Mingjie, Tang Qingyan, Yang Yang, Lv Zonggang, Zhang Tongwei, Chen Chang, Yang Hui, Li Liwu, Noble gas isotopic variations and geological implication of Longmaxi shale gas in Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018, 89:38-46.
5. Cao Chunhui, Li Zhongping, Li Liwu, Du Li, He Jian, Method for analyzing the molecular and carbon isotope composition of volatile hydrocarbons (C1–C9) in natural gas. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2018, 4512081, 1-9.
曹春辉,李立武,刘玉虎,李中平,杜丽, METHOD AND ONLINE CIRCULATION SYSTEM FOR COLLECTING LIGHT HYDROCARBON IN NATURAL GAS,荷兰发明专利,申请号:2028533,申请日期:2020年6月29日,授权公告日:2023年3月24日。